A collaborative workspace to manage your projects - Acollab

Manage your projects in a collaborative workspace

Manage your teams’ projects in a collaborative workspace

Acollab allows you to manage your projects internally in a collaborative workspace, but also gives you the possibility to involve your customers or partners in a collaborative mode :

  • Controlled access to the platform (team, customer, partner, etc.).
  • Creation of a workspace for each of your projects.
  • Centralization of all your project information in a single interface.
collaborative workspace

A collaborative workspace for each of your projects

Acollab allows you to easily and quickly create the workspaces you need for each of your projects.

Each collaborative workspace is independent, you give permissions according to each user.

All your project data is centralized (files, tasks, messages, events, documentation…).

You can keep track of the progress of your tasks, see the Gantt chart of your project…

collaborative projects

Acollab, an open project management solution

Your teams, partners and customers can easily be integrated into your collaborative projects and contribute to them to the extent of the permissions you give them.

You can give your customers permissions to monitor the progress of their projects in real time.

task management