Collaborative working tools - Other features - Acollab

Other features – Collaborative working tools

Collaborative publishing, Global search, Dashboards, Chat, Survey, Forum, Notifications, Directory

Collaborative writing

Simplified publications as web pages

The collaborative working tools allows to create and publish your information directly as a web page with the Wiki feature.

Finally, you have a dedicated place to centralize all your internal procedures, product documentation, etc.

In this way, you create real knowledge bases that are accessible and easily editable through automatic version management.

collaborative writing
global search

Global search

Powerful search engine

A search field allows you to quickly find all the information available in all the spaces to which you have access.

You can filter search results by data type (file, task, event, message, comment, page…) to increase the efficiency of your searches.

Custom dashboards

Overall synthesis of all workspaces and projects

Each user has his own customizable dashboard where he/she finds his/her own information and the synthesis of all information from all the workspaces to which he/she has access.

Customization of information

Place the blocks of information (widgets) that interest you the most (your calendar, your tasks, the news feed, the latest files uploaded, the latest messages published, an external rss feed…) in order to have a quick overview of the work progress on your space.

In addition, each workspace also has a specific and customizable dashboard.

custom dashboard

Polls / Survey

A simple tool to know the opinion of your users

Ask questions to your colleagues. You can choose from multiple-choice, single-choice or Yes/No answers.

You are notified as soon as a reply has been made, and you can consult all the answers.

Your colleagues can leave a comment along with their answer.


Simplification of exchanges

Promote exchanges between members of your communities in a forum.

Ask a question: someone can answer it quickly.

You can also find the answer in the exchanges in the forum.


Chat, online discussion

Real-time communication

Create chat rooms with your colleagues on a given topic, then chat in real time.

All interactions are saved, you can find at any time the content of a past discussion.

You can also chat with a single colleague in the form of a classic chat.

A simple, interactive and instantaneous tool to communicate with your colleagues to increase your efficiency in the current emergency, without changing your work tool.

Email notifications

Configurable information tool

Notifications keep you informed of new event (addition, modification or deletion of content).

Each user can define his own alarms, according to his priorities.

It is a real tool to stop the overloading of your mailboxes.


User directory

Knowing the users

Find the contact details of your colleagues, external people associated with the project, while also identifying their skills.

You will also have a rich CV profile allowing everyone to describe their background and knowledge.

Check a user’s news feed to track their actions.

Find a contact’s card quickly and easily thanks to a search engine.

Back to the main collaborative tools of the platform:

Workspace management, File sharing, Project management, Group calendar, Message communication, Time tracking, Mobile application, Permissions management.